Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Astronomy, no. 61, p. 28-33 (2020)
Life and scientific way of Pavlo Rodionovych Romanchuk
V. Efimenko, PhD.
V. Krivodubskij, Dr Hab.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
One hundred years have passed since the birth of P.R. Romanchuk – Hero of the Soviet Union, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Astronomical Observatory (1972–1987). At his initiative, the observatory began to develop new scientific directions: theoretical research of magnetic fields and the beginning of experimental work after the purchase of a magnetograph, study of changes in the solar atmosphere associated with flare activity, solar-terrestrial connections and the impact of solar activity on weather phenomena, development of methods for predicting solar activity. An important result of his work was the strengthening of the observatory’s material base – purchase of a purchase of a magnetograph, modernization of a horizontal solar telescope, joint work with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the development and manufacture of an axial meridian circle, purchase of equipment for television observations of meteors.
Key words
Magnetic fields of the Sun, sunspots, Wolf numbers, solar flares, solar cycles,solar activity prediction, magnetograph, solarterrestrial Connections.
Romanchuk, P. R. 1961, Astron. zhurn., 40, 3, 477
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Efimenko, V. M. 2010, K.: VPTs “Kyivskyi universytet”, 91
Romanchuk, P. R., Kryvodubskyi, V. N., Yzotov, Yu. Y., Yzotova, Y. Yu. 1976, V kn.: Problemy mahnytnykh polei v kosmose; red. A. B. Severnyi. Krym, SSSR, 1, 161
Romanchuk, P. R., Kryvodubskyi, V. N. 1974, Preprynt 2 AO KHU., Yzd. Kyev. un-ta, 1974, 1
Romanchuk, P. R. 1965, Solnech. Dannye, 5, 65; 7, 65; 8, 74; 11, 66
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Romanchuk, P. R. 1974, Vestnyk Kyev. un-ta. Astronomyia, 16, 28
Romanchuk, P. R. 1976, Vestnyk Kyev. un-ta. Astronomyia, 18, 5
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Romanchuk, P. R. 1981, Astron. zhurn., 58, 1, 158
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Romanchuk, P. R. 1990, Vestnyk Kyev. un-ta. Astronomyia, 32, 78
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Romanchuk, P. R. 1983, Astron. Vestnyk, 17, 3, 188
Romanchuk, P. R. 1968, Solnech. Dannye, 9, 107
Romanchuk, P. R. 1974, Preprynt Astron. observatoryy Kyev. un-ta. 1, 7
Romanchuk, P. R., Rediuk, T. Y. 1974, Preprynt Astron. observatoryy Kyev. un-ta, 6, 5
Romanchuk, P. R. 1989, Sb. “Fyzyka solnechnoi plazmy”, 117
Romanchuk, P. R. 1983, Vestnyk Kyev. un-ta. Astronomyia, 25, 15
Romanchuk, P. R. 1987, Prohnozy solnechnoi aktyvnosty y nabliudenyia solnechnykh aktyvnykh yavlenyi. Tezysy dokl. Symp. KAPH. Lenynhrad, 18–22 maia 1987, 24
Kryvodubskyi, V.N., Romanchuk, P. R. 1976, Sb. “Voznyknovenye y evoliutsyia aktyvnykh oblastei na Solntse”, 157
Humanytskyi, V. B., Efimenko, V. M., Romanchuk, P. R. ta in. 1975, Preprynt Astron. observatorii Kyiv. un-tu, 11, 8
Romanchuk, P. R., Kryvodubskyi, V. N. 1984, Vestnyk Kyev. un-ta. Astronomyia, 26, 25
Romanchuk, P. R., Babyi, V. P., Pasechnyk, M. N. 1989, Vestnyk Kyev. un-ta. Astronomyia, 31, 59
Romanchuk, P. R., Kryvodubskyi, V. N., Izotov, Yu. I., Izotova, I. Yu. 1977, Vestnyk Kyev. un-ta. Astronomyia, 19, 29
Romanchuk, P. R., Yzotova, Y. Yu., Kryvodubskyi, V. N. y dr. 1982, Vestnyk Kyev. un-ta. Astronomyia, 24, 50
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Efymenko, V. Y., Efymenko, V. M., Telniuk-Adamchuk, V. V. 1977, Vestnyk Kyev. un-ta. Astronomyia, 19, 19
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Izotov, Yu. I., Izotova, I. Yu., Romanchuk, P.R. 1976, Solnech. Dannye, 7, 67
Izotov, Yu. I., Izotova, I. Yu., Romanchuk, P. R. 1976, Sb. “Voznyknovenye y evoliutsyia aktyvnykh oblastei na Solntse”, 162
Romanchuk, P. R. 1985, Vestnyk Kyev. un-ta. Astronomyia, 27, 23
Romanchuk, P. R. 1996, Preprynt HAO-96-3R. HAO NANU
Romanchuk, P. R., Pasichnyk, M. M. 1997, Visnyk Kyiv. un-tu. Astronomiia, 34, 66
Romanchuk, P. R., Babyi, V. P. 1998, Tr. mezhdunar. konf. “Fyzyka y dynamyka malykh tel Solnechnoi systemy”, 57