Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Astronomy, no. 55, p. 9-13 (2017)

Photographic observations of major planets and their moons in MAO NAS of Ukraine during 1961–1990

O. Yizhakevych, junior researcher,
V. Andruk, researcher,
L. Pakuliak, Ph. D.,
MAO NAS of Ukraine;
V. Lukianchuk, magister,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

We present the results of digitizing and processing of archival observations to obtain the astrometric positions and stellar magnitudes of major planets and their satellites. The work has been done within the framework of the national project “Ukrainian Virtual Observatory” on the basis of photographic observations carried out in MAO NASU. The processing of digital images and the astrometric reduction of data was made in the software package created and developed in MAO for the reduction astrometric negatives. The catalogue includes data of Saturn’s moons (S2–S9), obtained using 4 telescopes in 1961–1990. The stellar catalogue TYCHO2 was used as the reference. The internal positional accuracy is ± 0.09 – ± 0.25 arcsec.The same procedure is now applying for  the processing of photographic observations of Neptune, Uranus, and their moons, obtained in MAO during the same period.

Key words
catalogues, Solar System bodies, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/BTSNUA.2017.55.9-13