Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Astronomy, no. 55, p. 3-9 (2017)
Asteroids searching, rediscovery and orbit correction with UkrVO resources
S. Shatokhina, Researcher,
V. Golovnia, Researcher,
V. Andruk, Researcher,
MAO NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Modern approach to processing early photographic observations from Joint Digital Archive of Ukrainian Virtual Observatory (UkrVO) with new technologies can be an effective instrument for rediscovery of asteroids and correction their orbits. Using of techniques digitization of astronegatives and further processing of observations of Northern Sky Survey (FON) and of other projects are applied for broad search for images of minor planets. From analysis of 93 plates of the 8 zone FON we obtained 150 positions and B-magnitudes of asteroids. Analysis of the differences (O–C) was made.
Key words
UkrVO, minor planets
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