Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Astronomy, no. 55, p. 39-43 (2017)
Determination of the lifetime of artificial satellites of the Earth depending on their elements of orbit
M. Koval’chuk, Ph. D.,
Ye. Vovchyk, Ph. D.,
M. Stodilka, Dr.Sc.,
A. Bilinsky, eng.,
O. Baran, Ph.D.,
M. Hirnyak, eng.,
K. Martynyuk-Lototskyy, eng.,
Astronomical Observatory of Ivan Franko National University of L’viv, L’viv
Lagrange equations for the elements of orbit are used for description of the motion of artificial satellites of the Earth in noncentral Earth’s gravity field at the presence of atmospheric drag. Relation between the elements of orbit of satellites at a certain time and further duration of the existence of satellites is investigated. We described the method that enables to define quickly and reliably the lifetime of satellites on an orbit. For comparison, the actual lifetimes of the selected satellites are brought, it gave an opportunity to test the presented calculation method. The error of the calculated and observed times of an existence of satellites does not exceed 2–3 days, so it is sufficiently for predictions of the lifetime of
satellites on an orbit.
Key words
artificial satellites of the Earth, elements of an orbit, lifetime of a satellite
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