Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Astronomy, no. 55, p. 43-46 (2017)
A search for possible connections of gravitational influence of the Sun and the Moon with earthquakes
A. Kazantsev, Ph. D.,
L. Kazantseva, Ph. D.
Astrоnomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kуiv, Kуiv
If there is an influence of the Moon and Sun on occurrence of earthquakes, the physical nature of such influence can only be the gravitational. A possible gravitational influence is caused by the resultant tidal forces of those bodies, but not by their separate actions. There were calculated tidal forces of the Moon and the Sun and their resultant force for different time moments and hypocenter coordinates. Previous conclusions about a possible influence of those two cosmic bodies on occurrence of the earthquakes in different coordinates and depths of the hypocenters were made.
Key words
earthquake, tidal force. Moon, Sun.
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