Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Astronomy, no. 55, p. 17-19 (2017)

The programs of observations on MAC in 2001-2015 and their results

V. Karbovsky, Researcher,
P. Lazorenko, Ph. D. in Phys. and Math. Sci.
L. Svachiy, Ph. D. in Phys. and Math. Sci.
MAO NAS of Ukraine,
M. Buromsky, Principal Eng.,
S. Kasjan, Eng.,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

We describe the results of the astrometric sky surveys with the telescope MAC which were performed in 2001-2015. We observed stars near the equator and stars in the fields with radio-sources which are the ICRF objects. Observations were initiated by the Main Astronomical observatory of NAS of Ukraine and Astronomical observatory of Taras Shevchenko Kiev national University. We obtained three catalogues of positions and V-magnitudes, КМАС1, КМАС2, and КМАС3. They can be used as reference high-precision catalogues actual for practical use till the creation of new space-mission catalogues like Gaia.

Key words
CCD observation, astrometric catalogues of star, star photometry

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2. The Kyiv Meridian Axial Circle catalogue of stars in fields with extragalactic radio sources / P. Lazorenko, Yu. Babenko, V. Karbovsky et al. // Astron. and Astrophys., 2005. – Vol. 438. – P. 377.
3. Karbovsky V. The Kyiv Meridian Axial Circle with a CCD micrometer / V. Karbovsky // Kinematics and phisics of celestial bodies. Suppl. Ser., 2005. – № 5. – P. 390.
4. Astrometric catalogue of stars in the equatorial zone KMAC2 / P. F. Lazorenko, V. L. Karbovsky, M. I. Buromsky et al. // KPCB, 2015. – Vol. 31, N 5. – C. 253–260.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/BTSNUA.2017.55.17-19