Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Astronomy, no. 52, p. 51-56 (2015)

Repeated maxima of sunspot cycles

V. Krivodubskij. Dr. Sci.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
The explanation for the observed phenomenon of repeated maxima of sunspot cycles is proposed. Key roles in the proposed scenarioplay two tides of toroidal field from the lower base of the solar convection zone (SCZ) to the surface. Deep toroidal field is excited due to Ω-effectnear the bottom of the SCZ at the beginning of the cycle. Then this field is transported to the surface due to combined acting of magnetic buoyancy,magnetic ∇ρ-flow and turbulent diamagnetism in the equatorial domain. Over time the magnetic fragments can be seen as bipolar spots in themiddle latitudes in the “royal zone”. This first wave of toroidal field, which is directed up, gives the main maximum activity spots. However, theunderlying toroidal field in the high-latitude polar domains at the beginning of the cycle is blocked by directed downward magnetic∇ρ-pumping and turbulent diamagnetism. Directed to the equator deep meridional flow replaces this field to the low latitudes (the equatorialdomain) during about 1 – 2 years. After that the turn of floating this “retarded” field to surface (second tide of toroidal field). Coming to the surfaceat low latitudes this second portion of toroidal field leads to second sunspot maximum.

Maxima of sunspot cycles

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/BTSNUA.2015.52.51-56