Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Astronomy, no. 52, p. 47-50 (2015)

Тhе telescope for observation of the photosphere of the Sun

V. Efimenko, Ph.D. in Phys. and Math. Sciences,
S. Kaminsky, Eng.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

Visual observation of solar spots on Astronomical observatory began in 1923. Since 1951 photographic observation with use of photographic plates of AGFA and ORWO were conducted. Transition from photographic plates to CCD matrixes demands modernization or replacement of thetelescope. The made analysis taking into account the parameters a CCD matrixes of the receiver proves need of production of the new telescope.Calculations, modeling and production of the telescope were executed by opportunities of Astronomical observatory. Tests of the telescope withthe digital camera showed that quality of images satisfactory, resolution of the telescope answers settlement and the telescope with the digitalcamera can be used for receiving pictures of the photosphere of the Sun. The average error of definition of numbers of Wolf doesn’t exceed 10 %.

Photosphere of the Sun, telescope, CCD matrix

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/BTSNUA.2015.52.47-50