Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Astronomy, no. 51, p. 53-58 (2014)
Monte-Carlo method application for precising meteor velocity from TV observations
P. Kozak, Ph.D.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Monte-Carlo method (method of statistical trials) as an application for meteor observations processing was developed in author’s Ph.D. thesis in 2005 and first used in his works in 2008. The idea of using the method consists in that if we generate random values of input data – equatorial coordinates of the meteor head in a sequence of TV frames – in accordance with their statistical distributions we get a possibility to plot the probability density distributions for all its kinematical parameters, and to obtain their mean values and dispersions. At that the theoretical possibility appears to precise the most important parameter – geocentric velocity of a meteor – which has the highest influence onto precision of meteor heliocentric orbit elements calculation. In classical approach the velocity vector was calculated in two stages: first we calculate the vector direction as a vector multiplication of vectors of poles of meteor trajectory big circles, calculated from two observational points. Then we calculated the absolute value of velocity independently from each observational point selecting any of them from some reasons as a final parameter. In the given method we propose to obtain a statistical distribution of velocity absolute value as an intersection of two distributions corresponding to velocity values obtained from different points. We suppose that such an approach has to substantially increase the precision of meteor velocity calculation and remove any subjective inaccuracies.
Monte-Carlo method, meteor.
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